Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Winter Wonderland 2010

My sweet baby has never seen this much snow in his entire YEAR of life. He was super overwhelemed but loved every momment of it. ED and I was shocked at the amount of snow as well. I think it has not been this bad since 1995 when I was in middle school, we were out for a week. Ed has been out of work for 4 days of work and then is off next Monday for Presidents DAY, LUCK HIM. Well I took some lovely Brown pictures to show you the joys of our snowfall with our little man.

I'm ready MOMMA!

Daddy don't make me blush

Snow Break! HMMM it taste like water :)

Walking through the snow is hard work, HUH DADDY?

AWW man face dive into the snow

Man look at our street, so pretty!

Alright daddy enough is enough I am ready

After hot bath and a LONG nap. This ends Malachi's adventure of the wonderland of 2010

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Can we say OMG? Today is January 19th 2010 and it is 53 degree's today. Most of Malachi's play dates have been inside and I know the kiddies are dying to get outside and burn off some energy. Some of us had a great idea to head out to one of the local park (KIDS DOMINION) and CHIT-CHAT while our babies ran free.

So looking forward to more warm days :)

She is loving her Country Crock hat. You go girl!

Pose girl. We were loving the hat with the velcro wallet attached!

What? No one told me about silly hat day at the park! ;)

Saturday, January 9, 2010


Yes of course we all know that I enjoy playing soccer and of course being a mother. Well since I am always taking pictures of Malachi, Ed stated that I was stalking him with my camera. I became angry and stated back I am not, I am just making sure that we have enough pictures. He asked me what is it that I enjoying doing besides being a mother and playing soccer. I replied I love children, and then a light bulb went off in my head and I said I enjoy taking pictures of children and play with children. So to make a long story short we agreed that PHOTOGRAPHY would be the way to go for me to enjoy photography and be around children. Then again Ed stated that I still stalk Malachi and that my photography name should be MAMARATZY instead of PAPARAZZI. I said well I knew you were good for something. (lol) So there we have it, MAMARATZYPHOTOGRAPHY.COM is my website and I truely enjoy this passion of mine and hope to carry it out as far as I can.

I hope you enjoy my pictures, remember I am still an amateur!

Please click on a picture to get a bigger view.

First Big Snow Day

This happened to be the first big snow of the winter. Malachi of course looked out the window and said "OHHHHHOOOHHHHH". I got him dressed and of course all you mom's know it takes 2 hours to get them dressed. Malachi continued to cry and say "SI SI SI SI" (meaning outside). As we all know he enjoys being outside.

While playing in the snow he slips and falls, but does not give up.

I guess he got tired and decided to take a rest on a snow mountain.

I can fly dada!

I am pooped mommy I am ready to go in for lunch.

Christmas Time!

It has been so long since I have written on here. I promise to keep you all up to date for now on. This was Malachi's first big Christmas and it was great for all of us. We did miss his NY family, but hopefully we will all be able to be together One holiday season. Malachi enjoyed coming downstairs and seeing all the gifts under the tree, and as some of you may know he is obsessed with the word "OOHHHHHHH"! He said that the entire day.

Getting the swing of things!

Daddy had to give him a little help!

How do these things work daddy?

Malachi really enjoyed his new Elmo movie (lol)

Malachi had an excellent Christmas holiday. We can't wait until next Christmas!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


The other day Malachi and I went to Wal-mart to get diapers. As I am in the diaper Aisle, Malachi decided to Pee through his pamper. OHH MY WORD is what I said! I was looking at the new overnight diapers. I guess Malachi made me pick the type of diaper he needed. Only to make things crazier is that he had on light grey pants and I had on a grey shirt. So we both are walking through Wal-mart with PEE on your clothes. Got to love the little kids!

Malachi turned 1..

Malachi is finally ONE! He is so adventurous and full of fun. He had lots of friends and family come out to visit him for his big day. We thank all of you for visiting and coming out and playing with Malachi. He had a clown doing balloon animals, a moon bounce, side walk chalk and lots of toys that he shared with his friends.

Malachi's theme was Crayola! I found someone on Craigslist that does home baked cakes, for birthdays, bridal parties, weddings ect.. Was not sure how the cake was going to turn out. When the cake was delivered and I opened the box, to my eyes the cake was BEAUTIFUL! I was so super pleased and then tasting the cake was even better. I would recommend the baker to anyone.